Dental implants have become a significant aspect of tooth replacement
in prosthodontic treatment. Despite of high success rates,
complications and failures still occur. One factor that is increasingly
being implicated with dental implant failure is occlusal overloading.
Overloading of dental implants during functional and parafunctional
activity has been extensively discussed from an empirical point of view
but with sparse scientific evidence. The aim of this article is to
critically evaluate the restorative factors that may affect the loading
of dental implants at the bone-implant interface. Conflicting evidence
of the contribution of restorative factors to bone loss around dental
implants fails to identify overload as a definitive factor in dental
implant failure. However, strong evidence indicates that overload or
high stresses to the prosthesis supported by dental implants produces
mechanical failures, which are not insignificant.
Key words: Restorative factors, bone, implant, load, interface
Key words: Restorative factors, bone, implant, load, interface
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